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What is Vitiligo?

Vitiligo is a condition of the skin that causes areas of skin to lose colour. The discoloured spots frequently become larger over time. This condition can affect the skin in any area of the body. It can also harm the hair and the inside of the mouth.

Melanin is normally responsible for the colour of the hair and skin. Vitiligo occurs when melanin-producing cells die or cease to function. Vitiligo affects people of all skin tones, but it may be more visible in people with darker skin. This condition is neither life-threatening nor communicable. It can be stressful or make one feel horrible about themselves.

Treatment for vitiligo by a skin doctor in Greater Kailash, Delhi, Dr. Sarita Sanke at DermoRita Skin Clinic helps restore colour to the damaged skin. However, it does not prevent future skin colour loss or a recurrence.

Benefits of Vitiligo Treatment

  • In some cases of vitiligo, light therapy is beneficial for repigmenting the skin
  • Cosmetic camouflage effectively conceals vitiligo patches and provides a more even appearance
  • Treatment can help even out a person's skin tone
  • One can regain back their self-confidence
  • Prevent the  spread of white patches 
  • Helps restore original skin colour.

Types of Vitiligo

  • Non-Segmental: It generally affects both sides of the body with patches that form symmetrical patterns. This vitiligo can be directly linked to autoimmune diseases, in which the body attacks healthy cells and tissue. Melanocytes are killed as a result, resulting in reduced melanin synthesis.
  • Segmental: It only affects one side or a part of the body, resulting in the formation of asymmetrical patterns. This type of vitiligo is distinguished by the fact that it is caused by toxins secreted by nerve terminals in the skin. Because these chemicals are particularly toxic to melanocytes, the affected melanocytes are killed.

While stress, skin injury, and chemical exposure can cause both non-segmental and segmental vitiligo, none is communicable. Vitiligo cannot be contracted through an infection.

At DermoRita Skin Clinic, one of the best white patch treatment clinics in Delhi, advanced treatments for managing vitiligo are offered by expert skin doctors. Early treatment can help manage the symptoms and prevent it from spreading. 

Symptoms of Vitiligo

Vitiligo symptoms include:

  • Skin colour loss that grows in patches, commonly on the hands, face, and areas surrounding bodily openings and the genitals.
  • Premature whitening or greying of the scalp, facial hair, eyelashes, brows, or beard
  • Colour loss in the mucous membranes that coat the interior of the nose and mouth.

Causes of Vitiligo 

The exact cause of vitiligo is under research. The distinctive white spots of vitiligo develop after a sunburn or an injury in certain cases. In other situations, there is no apparent cause. According to research, vitiligo is most likely the result of an autoimmune reaction.

Getting treatments can help one to achieve smoother-looking skin as they can help one with the treatment and diagnosis of causes of vitiligo.

Consult a vitiligo specialist in Delhi at DermoRita Skin Clinic to determine the root cause of the concern and the doctor can help one to get effective treatment for vitiligo.

Treatment for Vitiligo

The treatment patients receive is determined by their age, how much skin is involved and where, how quickly the condition worsens, and how it affects their lives.

There are medications and light-based therapies available to help restore skin colour or even skin tone, but results vary and are unpredictable.

If patients and their doctor decide to treat the condition with medicine, surgery, or treatment, determining its success may take several months. Patients may need to try several methods or a combination of treatments before they find the treatment that works best for them.

Even if treatment is effective for some time, the benefits may not last or new patches may form. To avoid recurrence, the doctor might prescribe a medication applied to the skin as maintenance therapy.


No medicine can stop the vitiligo process-the loss of pigment cells (melanocytes). However, several medications, when used alone, in combination, or conjunction with light therapy, can help restore some skin tone.

  • Inflammation-controlling medications: A corticosteroid lotion applied to damaged skin may restore colour. This works best when the vitiligo is still in its early stages. This type of lotion is effective and simple to apply, although people may not notice any changes in the colour of the skin for several months.
  • Corticosteroid tablets or injections may be an option for those whose condition is rapidly worsening.
  • Medications that affect the immune system.

Light therapy

Narrow-band ultraviolet B (UVB) phototherapy has been shown to stop or delay the growth of active vitiligo. It may be more effective when taken with corticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors. Patients will require therapy two to three times per week. It may take one to three months to notice any difference, and it may take six months or longer to see the full benefit.


Some individuals with stable diseases may be suitable for surgery if light therapy and drugs have not succeeded. The procedures listed below are designed to even out skin tone by restoring colour:

  • Skin grafting: In this treatment for vitiligo in Greater Kailash, Delhi, the doctor transfers extremely small portions of healthy, pigmented skin to areas where pigment has been lost. If an individual has minor areas of vitiligo, this procedure may be performed.
  • Blister grafting: In this procedure, the doctor uses suction to produce blisters on the pigmented skin, then transplants the blister tops to the discoloured skin.
  • Cellular suspension transplant: In this procedure, the doctor removes some pigmented skin tissue, places the cells in a solution, and then transplants them onto the damaged area. Within four weeks, the effects of this regimentation method are visible.

For more details on vitiligo treatment cost in Delhi, schedule a visit with the skin doctor, Dr. Sarita Sanke at DermoRita Skin Clinic.

FAQs About Vitiligo in Greater Kailash

1. What does vitiligo look like?

Vitiligo appears as white skin patches with distinct edges. Some people only get a few patches, while others get extensive whiteness. White hairs may appear on the scalp, brows, eyelashes, or beard. The eyes may be affected as well. Vitiligo may worsen over time, although the rate at which it does so differs from person to person.

2. How is vitiligo diagnosed?

Vitiligo is diagnosed by a dermatologist based on a clinical examination. A skin biopsy is sometimes required to rule out other disorders that can mimic vitiligo. A blood test may also be required to rule out other autoimmune disorders.

3. When is the best time to treat vitiligo?

When it comes to treating vitiligo, early intervention ensures a better success rate.

4. How is vitiligo treated at home?

Skin that has lost its natural pigmentation is more susceptible to sunburn. Sun protection is critical for vitiligo patients. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day, wear sun-protective clothes, and seek shade whenever possible. Makeup can provide temporary camouflage if one wants to even out the tone of their skin.

Vitiligo skin condition can affect anyone and is more noticeable in people with dark skin. For more details, meet the Vitiligo Doctor in Delhi, Dr. Sarita Sanke at DermoRita Skin Clinic. With her effective treatments, one can achieve healthy skin. Consult her for more details!